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Looking for that one park which has everything, I mean, everything? If so, the Bats' jewel house is holding tickets for you.
Does location matter? Louisville Slugger Field is neatly tucked downtown with decent parking. Is an ambient view important? Check out the first base/rightfield seating with its handsome setting overlooking the 2nd Street bridge into Indiana. Do your kids perfer activities to baseball? There's a large play area in the rightfield stands, complete with a superb merry-go-round.

Have you wondered if you could be a baseball scout? The seats are so close to the foul territory bullpens, you can judge a pitcher's stuff from various angles. Best of all, if you enjoy sitting behind homeplate with actual scouts, you'll find the greatest backstop view in baseball, period. The fine netting is so clean and seamless, you'll forget there's a screen, especially as night falls. |

Meanwhile, this place has the most cafe seating in the game, tiered as a rightfield grandstand. (Yes, they even serve chicken out there. Go ahead, get some--as long as it's no one I know)!
Meanwhile, the Bats' front office is meticulous with the park's constant upgrading, including a huge video board, a convenient souvenir store, outfield berms with a few rows of attached seats and an award winning groundscrew whose passion is reflected in the last grain of dirt on the diamond. |