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Here's baseball nirvana. It seems like a park designed by baseball fans for baseball fans. No detail has been overlooked.
There's ground level seating (kids can shake hands with the bullpen), fabulous sightlines, a wide 360 degree concourse with a direct view of play, low level berms beyond the outfield, a perfect downtown location (with the city skyline as the centerfield backdrop) and even plenty of free street viewing from the right field area.

Special attention must be called to the extraordinary field itself. The grass is as tight as a billard table. Additionally, the soil is an art in itself. Has anyone noticed that the warning track which rings the park is a completely different color and texture than the diamond? Yet, the detail in the dirt is so perfect, the bullpen mounds and their respective catching areas that intersect are identical to the infield. |

But best of all--get this!--there's absolutely no advertising on the outfield walls. Now, that's commitment to baseball. You can actually see a double ring off the wall without losing it in some ad for Fast Eddie's Linoleum Planet.
The Indians and the city even refuse to sell the stadium naming rights. Victory Field salutes every US soldier who has suited up for America's defence. This diamond is the best in the nation in structure and spirit.